Junior Instructor’s Course

1st Class 13.2.2022

复习及练习:养生筑基功 下肢基本功 功前热身

Review and practice: Fundamental Exercise, Dao Yin Lower-body Exercise and Warm-up Exercise

Recording of the 13.2.2022 class

2nd Class 20.2.2022

复习:春季疏肝方 Review:Spring Liver Exercise

Recording of the 20.2.2022 class

3rd Class 5.3.2022

复习:夏季益心方Review:Summer Heart Exercise

Rercording of the 5.3.2022 class

Lowering the Blood Pressure Health Qigong routine

健身气功降压方 – Jiànshēn qìgōng jiàng yā fāng

第一式 摩腹导任 -Mó fù dǎo rèn -movement 1: massage stomach and unblock Ren Du

-focus on moving qi in Ren Mai

第二式:展体畅怀 -Zhǎn tǐ chànghuái- movement 2: stretch body and open up Hua Tuo Jia Ji accupoint

-focus on lao Gong

第三式:引体疏肝 -Yǐn tǐ shū gān – movement 3: guide the body to sooth the liver

-focus on Zhang Men

第四式:活肘养心 -Huó zhǒu yǎng xīn – movement 4: relax elbow to nourish heart

-focus on Qu Ze or Shao Hai

第五式:摆尾升水 -Bǎi wěi shēngshuǐ- movement 5: shake tail to raise water

-focus on Ming Men

第六式:卷臂开脉 -Juǎn bì kāi mài- movement 6: roll arms to unblock arteries

-focus on Zhong Chong or Shao Chong

第七式: 运背通督 -Yùn bèi tōng dū – movement 7: massage the back to unblock Du meridian

-focus on Shen Shu

第八式:亮翅沉气 – Liàng chì chén qì -movement 8: spread wings to sink qi

-focus on Dan Tian

Daoyin Kang Yang Heart supporting standing pole routine Music

Lowering the blood pressure routine music

4th Class 6.3.2022

复习:秋季润肺方Review:Autumn Lung Exercise

Recording of the 6.3.2022 Class

5th Class 27.3.2022

Winter Kidney Ecercise Review

Recording of the 27.3.2022 Class